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Other resources for getting involved


Check out additional resources available to Jewish young adults
hoping to get involved locally and beyond

Local Resources

There’s so much happening in Jewish Tampa for young adults.

Check out these community groups to see what’s on their schedules:









TRIBE – Jewish Federation of Florida’s Gulf Coast’s initiative dedicated to connecting young Jewish adults


Chabad Young Adults – St. Pete






Young Jewish Adults – Sarasota

Know of any other groups planning events for Jewish young adults in the Tampa Bay area?


Please reach out and let us know who they are so we can include them on our list.

International Resources


Volunteer opportunities in Israel:

 FAQ Overseas Volunteers - update March 15 2024.pdf - Google Drive

The people of Israel are currently experiencing a terrible reality, filled with unbearable tragedy and uncertainty. We know that the hearts of our friends in North America are filled with hurt and worry, and we know you are eager to step up and assist, because that is what we do at Jewish Federations. In Israel, ordinary citizens have rolled up their sleeves and are volunteering in their local communities. There are simply too many activities to list, but they run the gamut from initiatives to support bereaved families, injured citizens, soldiers, and first-responders, evacuated families, families with one or more parent in the reserves, and other populations that need special support. People are packing up supplies, delivering goods across the country, contributing shekels, and more.

One Table: 

Home - OneTable

Since it’s founding, OneTable's core focus has been on empowering young adults (21-39ish) to find, share, and enjoy Shabbat dinners, making the most of their Friday nights.

For OneTable, success means a whole generation of Jewish young adults finding joy and connection through Jewish ritual and tradition. They recruit and support volunteer hosts who post their dinners on our custom tech platform (think Airbnb for Shabbat), introduce them to Jewish learning with coaching, DIY tools, and financial support. The hosts open their homes, modeling Jewish values of hospitality and kindness, and building lasting connections one Shabbat table at a time.

Moishe House without walls: 

Moishe House Without Walls - Moishe House

Moishe House is now the global leader in peer-led Jewish young adult engagement. Every year, thousands of young Jews experience innovative, engaging, exciting Jewish programming. All programming is planned and executed by their peers, creating countless opportunities for young adults to connect with their own Jewish identities, their friends, and their wider communities. By 2023, Moishe House will dramatically extend its impact on Jewish young adults by scaling our community-building programs, expanding alumni efforts, and successfully experimenting with innovative programs that engage new segments of the young adult population. Moishe House is providing an important pathway for young adults to take part in — and create — Jewish homes and communities.

JDC Entwine:

JDC Entwine | One Jewish World, Interconnected.

Entwine is building a generation of young Jews who lead and live a life of action with global Jewish responsibility at its core. We offer transformative global service and travel experiences, innovative educational programs, and tailored leadership development opportunities through which young people can explore, find meaning, and take action. Entwine is an initiative of JDC, the largest Jewish humanitarian organization in the world.

Taglit Birthright Israel:

A Free Trip to Israel | Taglit - Birthright Israel

Birthright Israel began with a bold idea—offering a free, life-changing trip to Israel for young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 26 and, in doing so, transforming the Jewish future.


Their mission is to provide all young Jewish adults with opportunities for transformative and immersive shared experiences in Israel and a foundation for ongoing Jewish connection. 


Today, Birthright Israel is the largest educational tourism organization in the world that has given over 850,000 journeys to the magical state of Israel.