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Support the 2024 Annual Campaign

Keep our community safe, strong and growing


The Israel Emergency Campaign

Help provide immediate assistance to victims of terror and their families



    Read a recap of all the events happening at home and around the world concerning Israel and Jewish identity compiled by our Executive Director of Combating Antisemitism, Mark Segel.

  • Continuing Legal Education Seminars

    Join our accredited on-line seminar focusing on the legal aspects of hate speech vs free speech. Thursday, August 1, 12:00 PM "How Can Attorneys Navigate Hate Speech Within Social Media?"

  • PJ Library Summer Fun Schedule

    Check out our PJ Library Summer Schedule. We have playdates, kid's yoga, pool parties and more. If you love special reading time with your kid(s), PJ is perfect for you.

Thank you to our most generous corporate sponsors!



Local Beneficiary Agencies


To obtain copies of the Non-Profit State Fund Allocations for Renumeration and Non-Profit Total Compensation Paid Using State Funds forms please contact